Reducing Cycle Time

This post is from by Jim Highsmith.

An increasing number of organizations are moving towards radical reductions in cycle time as they move towards rapid business responsiveness and Continuous Delivery. (I’m trying to reduce my personal cycle time, but that’s another issue.)

One mantra that seems to help teams and organizations in this quest is, “If it’s hard to do, do it more often!” Keep this mantra in mind. If something appears too hard, or too costly, or too slow—figure out a way to do it more often. I once worked with a company whose product took six months of Q/A prior to release. The Q/A manager couldn’t imagine how to reduce the time to two-week iterations, so I asked him if he could figure out how to do it every two months. After several subsequent iterations, his group was able to support two-week iterations. From lean manufacturing examples, we often see that 80% or more of the time taken to accomplish a process usually works out to be wait time, not work time, so pushing for significant reductions is often much easier than anticipated at first.

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Build Less, Start Sooner

This post is from by Jim Highsmith.

Jeff Patton recently reminded me of two simple strategies for software development that I’ve talked about from time to time—Build Less Software and Start Sooner. I thought I’d follow up on Jeff’s blog and revisit these simple, but powerful strategies.

First, managers and executives complain a lot about not delivering software (or any other product really) in a timely manner. In Preston Smith and Don Reinertsen’s ground-breaking book Developing Products in Half the Time they discussed manufactured products, not software products, but many of their ideas are relevant none-the-less. Their research pointed out that, on average, in the timeframe from initial identification of a need to product ship, over ½ the project’s time was taken up before the development project actually got underway! “The front end is so fuzzy that people tend to forget that it even occurs,” say the authors, and they go on; “we have seen situations where as much as 90 percent of the development cycle elapsed before the team started work.” How many projects, projects with extremely aggressive schedules, have you been on, where everyone knows the project has been under “consideration” for months and months, if not years? Once the development team is appointed, the mantra becomes “hurry, hurry.” Where was all the hurry when management was “considering” the project?

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Gamification in Software Development and Agile

This post is from by Renee Troughton.

When people think of the term ‘gamer’ it engenders ideas of pasty white teenagers living their days in a zombie like state in the basement of their parents house spending over forty hours a week with their eyes glued to the pixels on their screen smashing keys on their keyboard. Despite this stereotype, 72% of American households have at least one digital gamer in their family (up by 5% from 2010) and with the introduction of small games on the iPhone and iPad and through social mediums such as Facebook, the digital gaming door has been re-opened to a whole new audience. Growth of the gaming industry is only expected to rise.

Most of us have actually been gaming ever since we played our first board game, at an age when we didn’t know how to read or write. In our early teens we turned to a different form of game, the physical version, sports. In our adult life we have been playing an entirely different and often less motivating game, the political and strategic game, work. If you add up all the time playing the ‘work game’, the ‘sports game’ and the digital games on our PCs, smart devices and consoles we are all spending a good portion of our life playing games, some engaging and fun, others less so.

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Street Fighter Game – Built using Agile and Scrum

This post is from

This may be a very revealing post for me… because my favorite video game of all time is Street Fighter IV. I absolutely love zombies (agile zombies?) and Street Fighter. In an interview with 1UP, Takashi Nishiyama went on to describe his experiences and how he develops games, AGILE STYLE. :)

We’ve written a couple posts on games before:

[Takashi Nishiyama, who designed the original Street Fighter at Capcom before leaving to run SNK’s development division, putting games like Fatal Fury, King of Fighters, and Samurai Shodown under his belt. In 2000, he founded the company that would become Dimps, itself a below-the-radar team that’s worked on the Sonic the Hedgehog, Dragon Ball Z, and Street Fighter series, amongst others.]

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Velocity is Killing Agility!

This post is from by Jim Highsmith.

As I talk with companies around the world it’s clear that a significant number of them are still mired in the productivity, efficiency, and optimization mud. It’s easy to spot them because they are often maniacal about measuring velocity—team velocity, velocity across teams, rolling up velocity to an organizational level or even velocity per developer (yuck). Velocity is thereby killing agility. It’s the ultimate in applying a reasonable tool for the wrong reasons:

  • Velocity is increasingly being used as a productivity measure (not the capacity calibration measure that it was intended to be) that focuses too much attention on the volume of story points delivered.
  • Focusing on volume detracts from the quality of the customer experience delivered and investing enough in the delivery engine (technical quality).
  • Giving the product owner/manager complete priority control makes the problem worse—we have gone from customer focus to customer control that further skews the balance of investing in new features versus the delivery engine.
  • Particularly for those parts of the business for which high responsiveness (a deployment cycle time of days or weeks) is critical, investment in the delivery engine is as critical as investing in new features.
  • Management needs to allocate resources between features and engine work and then create a product ownership team consisting of the product owner and technical leader to do feature prioritization.
  • Value (value points) and cycle time metrics will help balance the detrimental effects of velocity measures.

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World record for the longest daily stand-up

This is a very quick post to report that today I learned of a daily stand-up which lasted 4 hours!  I am not sure how this is possible, but I would really like to know if the team really were standing up or whether the stand-up ended when the last man standing collapsed.

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Scrum: is the daily stand-up flawed?

It occurred to me today after witnessing a particularly poorly-focused stand-up that there could be a flaw in the way that the structure and format is set up.

Sure, we say that each member should update the rest of the team on what they did towards the sprint since the last stand-up and what they are going to do towards the sprint before the next stand-up.

Sure, we say that each member should talk to the team rather than providing a status update to the ScrumMaster as if the ScrumMaster needs to be pleased or appeased.

Sure, we say that any potential sidetracking into technical details should be taken offline.

Great, but somehow, these instructions don’t seem to be enough sometimes.  Time and again, I see team members reeling off lists of things or mumbling vagaries which appear to have little correlation to the user stories on the board.  The team stands inert in front of the board but with a total disconnect between them and it.  All words are directed at the ScrumMaster as they eagerly wait for a nod of approval.  So I have felt compelled to ask: if the team has been told the instructions above, how come it all goes so wrong!?

I get the slight feeling that there could be a flaw in the idea that each team member should talk about themselves in turn – it seems to be a very individualistic approach to something that is so team oriented, which gives rise to individuals talking about stuff which no one else is listening to and has little bearing on the team self-organising to deliver on its commitment.

Instead, I would like to propose a slight nuance.  Instead of each team member talking in turn, we could change the format to: “each user story should talk in turn”.  Looking at the board, the team sees the user stories on the board and perhaps a breakdown of its tasks, and someone needs to step forward to tell the team about activity on that user story, such as a task that he or she is working on towards that user story.  User stories not talked about would become immediately conspicuous and the team can quickly become of aware of whether or not attention needs to be turned to it!  To my mind, this would immediately bring primary focus to the sprint and the deliverables and how to get the user stories/tasks from one side of the board to the other.  User-story-focused rather than person-focused.  This could improve the level of relevance of what gets spoken during the stand-up and really foster team collaboration. Just an idea I think I might try…

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The Real Reason We Estimate

This post is from by Mike Cottmeyer.

Over the past few months, various blog posts have popped up talking about estimation, how estimation is unnecessary, how estimation is waste… and that maybe we should stop estimating entirely and just get down to the business of writing software. If our estimates are always wrong, and most of the time they are, why should we even attempt estimating in the first place?

Agilists eschew absolute estimates in favor of relative estimates, and absolute values to estimates made in more abstract units like story points. Story points are measured in non-linear sequences like Fibonacci to further abstract their value from any notion of absolute time. As a result, agile estimates are only relevant in the context of a stable team with a known measured velocity.

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An introduction to scary points

One of the fundamental aspects of Scrum is to organise work into user stories to which the team collectively assigns complexity points.  From this, the team’s sprint velocity can be determined and this in turn aids the ability to estimate how much work can be completed within each sprint and, therefore, how many sprints will be required to deliver all of the product features required.

But how easy it is to corrupt this simple and elegant method.  No sooner does a business have a number to latch on to – namely, the velocity – then it uses this one and only metric to bash the team over the head.  I have encountered situations where the managers are dismayed with how their company is using Scrum and want someone to sort it out: how can we squeeze them to increase the velocity?  If that team’s velocity is 120, how come this team’s is only 65?  If their velocity was 90 last time, how come it was only 70 this time?  They will have to work overtime to make up those “missing” 20 points!

Anyone with an understanding of the philosophy of Scrum will know that these questions show a complete ignorance of that philosophy.  Firstly, a velocity is an empirical description of work accomplished, not a judgement.  Secondly, velocity is based on the relative points that the team itself has come up with and therefore has absolutely nothing to do with the points of another team.  Thirdly, the idea of squeezing a team, or forcing them to make up for “missing” points is an outrageous display of command and control, completely contrary to the self-organising principle.

An unfortunate consequence of the controlling bosses with their clumsy and simplistic metric monitoring is the reaction by the team to try to buffer their complexity points.  This would not matter in a good Agile environment because it would just lead to a kind of complexity point inflation and the team velocity would be adjusted accordingly, but with ranting bosses hovering around it really makes things look even worse.

On top of that, Scrum teams are often desperate to equate complexity points to time at a micro level: 5 points equals half a day, etc.  Again this is corrupting, because it is the abstract quality of complexity points which rescues teams from bad time estimates.  The moment you think of a complexity point as a unit of time is the moment that confusion ensues, because the estimate against time is invariably wrong.

How to get away from this unfortunate mess?  Needless to say, ScrumMasters and Agile Coaches need to be courageous and get the controlling bosses to back off and to explain to them in no uncertain terms that they are completely violating Agile principles.  But another thought which occurred to me was the need to make complexity points even more abstract and disconnected from time.  Using Fibonacci points for example, complexity and time easily get conflated, as do size and time when using clothes sizes or dog sizes.

But what about “scary points”?  Usually when we think of a feature that needs to be developed, the first thing that hits me is whether it is scary or not.  It’s a real deep gut instinct.  A feeling of “oh my God!” for scary features or a “sure!” for things that don’t scare me at all.  One might contend that scary points could just as easily be conflated with time, but I have a feeling that it would be less likely simply because it seems to me that scary points take the assigning of points to user stories to a deeper level of subjectivity and gut intuition thereby helping to safeguard them from corruption.

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Monsters Built Using Kanban

This post is from by Stephanie Kaiser.

I am not a big Facebook fan (although Zuckerberg is very Agile). Nor am I a big online gaming fan (though Warcraft seems like tons of fun).

What I am interested in are all things Agile. It seems like one of the most popular Facebook games out there has been built utilizing Kanban. Now that’s something worth reading about.

According to Wooga Product Lead Stephanie Kaiser, the development team has fully embraced some Agile principles:

Short Release Cycles

They work in weekly release cycles using a mixture (or, as they say: the best) of Kanban and Scrum. Every Tuesday they release a new version of the game on Facebook. The next development cycle begins on Tuesday and continues until that Friday. Over the weekend they refresh our minds and prepare to fix the bugs found in the new version that Monday.

Click here to see the full post.

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